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300 days

Its been 300 days since Worrybomb was born!

In the last week or so, she seems to have become very aware of a few things and takes great pleasure in playing with anything that has a door, buttons or a lid.  Very entertaining until she gets hold of the remote control and eats it or changes the channel.

With great care she lifts the seat of her ride on cart, removing her small stuffed cow toy, closing the lid, then opening it again to place the cow back in.  She will happily do this for a few minutes until something else takes her fancy.

Doors too are great fun to sit beside, making them swing one way and then the other.  As is the Washing machine door, opening and closing to her hearts content.

Having perfected the crawl, she can now speed around the house, stopping only to use something or often someone to climb so she can stand and get a better vantage point or reach things.  She can happily stand whilst using chairs, legs, tables etc. for support and to tame the wobbles she has when upright.

Freya the Feather-tailed GliderDown Under Aunt sent over a few things yesterday, a couple of lovely Australian books ( I spy Dad (by Brian Haneen) and Grug, learns to read ( by Ted Prior)) and a very pretty dark blue and sparkly cardigan and some equally flashy pink socks.

This morning the postman knocked again and delivered Freya the Feather-tailed Glider.

So with the 300 day marked, the countdown to her first birthday has begun!  So as long as WB Dad doesn’t let her hurl herself from her pram onto nasty stones again in a few short weeks she will be blowing out a candle and surprising and scaring us with her daring deeds.

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