Worrybomb wishes you a Happy Mothering Sunday ! None of that Americanised Mothers Day here thank you !

We have missed Worrybomb this week, she spent most of it up at Nanny’s house. So we got some lovely complete nights of sleep. Unfortunately, she came back with a stinker of a cold and hasn’t had a good nights sleep yet. But she did have a lovely time, riding on a horse, trotting!, visiting the zoo where the highlight for her was a ride on a train. As you can see Worrybomb has had a hair cut too, it was getting a bit long and that made for a hard time with the brush each morning, so now with a bob, she is happy to have her hair brushed.

Not sure what started this all off, but I was called to the kitchen to see a cadged Worrybomb, growling and gnashing at the bars…

And as always it all ends in a snooze of some sort, here she is crashed out after a day at Nursery School I think.