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1000 days

Worrybomb is 1000 days old.  We went down to the Watercress Line to see Thomas and his friends, Worrybomb had a great time travelling on lots of engines and she got to have her face painted as well.  The photos below are from the trip.

Worrybomb has her face painted

1000 days old and the Worrybomb has already left her nursery school and is off to pre-school in a few weeks time, she knows a few children there already and is looking forward to it.  I was going to make a list of all the things she can do now, but some changes have been so gradual its hard to say when she started doing things like reading books in bed, going to the loo on her own and playing with dolls.


She chats away to herself and anyone who will listen and loves to ride her bike ( see picture below ) around the garden and house.

watching the world pass in the train
watching the world pass in the train

Its amazing how much has changed in under 3 years, we even get to sleep through most nights now! It took a couple of years to get to this point, but with 17 full nights sleep in 2 years we are enjoying it!


So what for the next 1000?  So far we have had walking, running, talking, reading books, jigsaws and dancing.


Hopefully we will get through the tantrums and the “I need”‘s but I think she will always be determined and will continue wanting to do everything on her own.

Naked Ambition
Naked Ambition

One Comment

  1. Auntie Lisa

    Joel thought the last pic was very funny!!! x

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