Things are changing and we are venturing into here be dragons territory. Its scary not knowing what is around the corner, especially when its imposed on you for very negative reasons. I think with this in mind the site will be changing a little over the next few weeks, I want to keep it running, but I am not sure yet.
We had a lovely weekend with Nanny, we went shopping for new shoes ( that flash tiny lights when you walk ), and a very nice walk around the old estate near her house ( see above ).
Pretty sure I wasn’t the best of company for either, but it was nice to be away from reality for a short while.
I love your blog and hope you keep it a personal diary of your relationship and commitment to your family, especially Amelia. Your passion and enthusiasm for the things worth doing in life, will remain as the underlying message, and dark days notwithstanding, your relationship will endure the challenges because you are one of the kindest, most honest people I know.
We and she, will be there for you, rest assured.
Jon and the Mippy Clan