Going for the style marks in the synchronized even © Worrybomb Dad


Its been pretty warm recently so we decided to ride down to one of the rivers and have a paddle, play pooh sticks and see what we could see.

First off Worrybomb waded in to play with the big kids who were trying to dam the river ( part of an old mills sluice ).  Big Brother also waded in and found a huge crab claw!

Wading in the cold river
Wading in the cold river

Then the pair had a go on the rope swings that had been put up in one of the huge old trees over the river.

Swinging over the river
Swinging over the river

At first the swings were tentative experiments.

Big Brother Swinging over the river
Big Brother Swinging over the river
Swinging over the river
Swinging over the river
Getting ready for the synchronized event
Getting ready for the synchronized event

But then style and distance stated to increase. Its possible a third swing might be recovered and put to use!

The synchronized event
The synchronized event

Until the legs-a-kimbo style was hit upon.

Going for the style marks in the synchronized even
Going for the style marks in the synchronized event

Then back on the bikes and a cheeky footpath ride took us around the village and home.

One Comment

  1. Lisa

    What lovely pictures and how you have grown Amelia.
    We miss you lots and look forward to seeing the photos of you in your school uniform.
    Lots of love
    The Rustys down under

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