Worrybomb had her first set of injections yesterday. She wasn’t impressed.
Last night she was very under the weather, today she is better, but still not her normal self yet. She likes to be close and is a little warmer than normal.
Both injections were in her legs ( one each leg ) which were sore last night, but look less angry now.
Her cries last night were the loudest and most sad I have heard yet. Worrybombs bottom lip was right out, even when she wasn’t wailing and when she did get a grump on, it was a heart breaking sound.
She had Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis ( whooping Cough ), Inactivated Polio, Haemophilias b and Pneumococcal. How many bugs can you squeeze into one tiny girl?
Not looking forward to the next set of injections in a few weeks time…