Author Archives: Daddy

Blowing Christmas Baubles
Its nearly Christmas so the three of us went up to London to see the lights, blow some glass and have some fun. Someone in SWT has a sense of humor, I remember seeing something similar a few years back. … Continue reading

White Horse Hill
It was cold and blustery, but we needed to get out for a walk, so White Horse Hill ( a family favourite ) called. When I was studying, I remember it was a thing to see how many people you … Continue reading

Worrybomb celebrated Guy Fawkes night. With rockets, sparklers and some (s)marshmallows we headed up to the hill. Between setting fire to things I managed to take a few photos of the girls and their sparklers.

We went to Venice ! We had a few days to see the city, eat well, drink a Spritz and count lions and well heads. It was Worrybombs first overseas trip with me. Italy is a lovely place to go, my … Continue reading

We had a lovely surprise visitor at the weekend ! The Downunder Auntie ( from the westside ) came to say hi. We havent seen her since 2011 and it was lovely to catch up and hopefully in a year or … Continue reading

Out on the bikes
We have been out riding in the last days of the summer. We rode over to L and went out. On our ride we saw a cross-country cycle race in and around one of the local parks. We watched the … Continue reading

The Curiosity Box
Our first Curiosity Box arrived! The Kickstarter campaign ran a few months back and did rather well getting twice what was needed to continue. Each box has a theme and this one was electricity. Its packed with all sorts of things to … Continue reading

On one of the last days of our holiday Worrybomb went down to Portsmouth with S and Nanny J. We missed some bits last time we were down, so we were keen to go on the Harbour tour, and see … Continue reading

If you go down to the woods today… Nanny, S, WB and I went to the woods to play, make camps and have a picnic. We found a great camp under a fallen tree. It also made a great bouncing … Continue reading

St Georges Day Parade
To mark St Georges Day and to celebrate the 100th year of the Scouts, the 30th of the Beavers, there was a Parade in town today. Worrybomb has recently joined the local group and marched behind the band today. The … Continue reading

We went to Nannies and we woke up to snow ! We cleared the drive Then in the pile made a fairy house. the pole was to make the door bigger I think. Slush jumping ! Our answer to Easter … Continue reading