Breakfast in bed on Fathers Day !

Breakfast in bed on Fathers Day !
We had a super few hours at the Basingstoke Kite Festival, lots of bouncing, a little ice cream and the odd kite made and seen.
We walked from White Horse Hill over to the odd mound called Wayland’s Smithy. I have been here lots, but its a first for Worrybomb and her Big Sister A who came with us. After the walk, Worrybomb and I … Continue reading
We made a little home in the park. Lots of twigs were gathered to keep the strong winds and rain out. Then using old beechnut shells, Worrybomb filled each with “special leaves”.
With Spring trying to push its way in, we went out to explore an underground church nearby. All that remains of St Nicholas church is the Norman crypt, which gives it its “Buried” title. The ancient crypt, excavated in 1929, … Continue reading
On Saturday Cousin S and Nanny J and the Worrybomb went to the Winchester Science Centre ( Intech ). Always helpful, Worrybomb preferred rescuing the stuck parachutes with the special pole, than helping them to take off in the air jet … Continue reading
Worrybomb and I went to London to see the Crown Jewels. Its not her first time in London, but it was her first with me! This posting entry might be a first as I think its the first to … Continue reading
Lottie and Worrybomb went to the Milestones museum in Basingstoke. They have been countless times before, but they enjoy it, particularly the penny arcade. At the moment, there is a WW1 display and trail running, so after looking at various … Continue reading
A bit early this year, but the Christmas tree is out and up thanks to Worrybomb, Fin and Amber. Worrybomb making a special Christmas bauble !
Worrybomb is SIX! She had some lovely presents ( and an iPad!!! ). And for her birthday treat, she went swimming ( after her swimming lesson in the morning ) and bowling. She did rather well winning ( unfortunately Milla … Continue reading
Squish went climbing again, she is getting pretty good, but gets a little worried as she gains height, I think she had most fun on the bouldering wall. And she wants a chalk bag for Christmas!
Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot… We started with a pizza! ( she ate most of it !!!!! ) Then we bought a torch, not the fire type! We then walked up the High Street … Continue reading