Worrybomb has reached the grand old age of 100 days!
In this short time she has:
- Survived two lots of injections
- Fought through a cold and blocked nose
- Eaten her first solid food (Baby Rice)
- Learned to smile
- Started to suck her thumb (or fist when she misses)
- Nearly been able to sit up on her own
- Started to hold onto things like her Flossy
- Created all sorts of interesting colours in her nappies
- Nearly out grown her Moses basket
- Had worse hair days than her Mummy of Daddy
- Nearly doubled her birth weight
- Grown over 10 cm in height
- Learned to hold her head up on her own
- Managed to lift her head up when lying tummy down
- Got used to Dad and his camera always being around
- Started to try and talk, making some great concentration faces whilst doing it
- Improved her hand eye coordination, and is bashing her face less when trying to eat her hand
- Not got bored with Dad singing Daisy Bell
- Enjoyed the company of her big brother and sisters
- Been spoilt rotten by family and friends (whom, have all been wonderfully supportive)
- Nearly slept through a night
- Not slept through a night
- Given the term sleep deprivation a new meaning to Mummy and Daddy
- Discovered if she smiles at Dad, he forgets his worries
I wonder what excitement the next 100 days has to bring ?
Lots and lots of happiness!!!!!
Hope all is going well, are the nights getting any better?
Caroline, Jon, Lewis, Greg and Mir-(I hope your not following my example I was seven and a half months before I slept through the night)-anda XXXXXXXXXX