Worrybomb and I went up to see Nanny S. We had a lovely time collecting chestnuts ( which worrybomb wasnt a huge fan of ), swinging on all the rope swings we could find. Then we had a nice walk … Continue reading

Worrybomb and I went up to see Nanny S. We had a lovely time collecting chestnuts ( which worrybomb wasnt a huge fan of ), swinging on all the rope swings we could find. Then we had a nice walk … Continue reading
Worrybomb has had her hair cut! It was very long and a real pain to brush and look after, so she wanted it cut. Many tried to dissuade her, and at one point I thought she would just have a … Continue reading
On one of the last bright and warm days of the year, we went to the beach. Armed with bucket and spades, we dug, chatted to canoeists and played on the beach. It was lovely to get some fresh air … Continue reading
Worrybomb and I went for a row on the canal. Captain Worrybomb soon had everything shipshape and wanted to head towards London. It was slow going, but as I was in on the sun deck sipping Pimms in the sun … Continue reading
Things are changing and we are venturing into here be dragons territory. Its scary not knowing what is around the corner, especially when its imposed on you for very negative reasons. I think with this in mind the site will … Continue reading
I missed this shot on my camera, so have put it up retrospectively. We both love How to train your dragon and the second film came out recently. I am looking forward to when we can read the rest of … Continue reading
Last week we went to White Horse Hill. A firm favourite with the family and a place Worrybomb has visited many times. Her first time was just a few weeks after she was born! We met up with Aunts, Uncles, … Continue reading
Today, Worrybomb and I went to Heathrow to help in the Terminal 2 trials. We pretended to be passengers on our way to Bangkok. We had to check in, go through security and then do the same in reverse, going … Continue reading
Every year we head to the local woods to see the bluebells. This year was very good with a wonderful carpet of purple. We saw a few white ones too! As usual, the woods were deserted but as quiet as … Continue reading