We have finaly moved house! It seems to have taken months of stress and faffing to get everything organised, but we are finally in our new home 🙂
If you don’t have our new address drop us a line and I will send it over. Our phone numbers haven’t changed, but again, feel free to ask if you have forgotten them.
Worrybomb as can be seen was very helpful and again has been learning all sorts of new tricks. She can now sit on her own without risk of collapse or face-plant, she can roll over in both directions ( left and right ) and I don’t think it will be long before she starts to crawl!
Whilst waiting for the broadband connection to be sorted ( thanks to O2 for being sooooo fast and easy ) she has also been to see her Great Grandmother again.
They got on as always, with lots of smiles and necklace envy. Eating however is a little tricky…
nice pics Chris, hope you are all getting settled in at your new place. Must get over that way soon