Today we went in for the 20 week Worrybomb scan. We are on course for the 28th of November according to their measurements. Mrs Wb however thinks (and hopes) it will arrive a lot sooner.
Today we went in for the 20 week Worrybomb scan. We are on course for the 28th of November according to their measurements. Mrs Wb however thinks (and hopes) it will arrive a lot sooner.
The name debate continues. The National Statistics Website has listed the UK’s most popular first names of the last one hundred years. Continue reading
Just finished reading “A Dirty Job” by Christopher Moore. Not a great book to read when pregnant ( the start could be a bit upsetting, but otherwise, it is very funny. Continue reading
Every site needs some adverts and marketing income So I created this image over at CafePress, a kind of mail order bespoke printer in the states, I might just get around to getting one made up
For a while Mrs Worrybomb has been feeling the “quickening” which to me sounds like something from Highlander, but really its just the worrybomb doing somersaults. But tonight for the first time we saw worrybomb move. Well technincally we saw … Continue reading
A nice evening turned out with friends turned out to be rather a nasty long night in the A&E department. Continue reading
“Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?”
“Begin at the beginning,” the King said gravely, “and go on till you come to the end”
Here starts the most exciting time of my life! Continue reading