Worrybomb can open doors from both sides, nowhere is safe! Continue reading

Worrybomb can open doors from both sides, nowhere is safe! Continue reading
Worrybomb decides to try something new and eats Sudocrem. Continue reading
After a years use, we review the My3 Travel System from mothercare and we like it. Plus a couple of shots of Worrybomb enjoying it. Continue reading
Worrybomb has an early birthday present. Continue reading
Worrybomb is 300 days old today. Continue reading
We look for an easier way to keep Worrybomb clean. Continue reading
Worrybomb is truly mobile, with great purpose she roams the house looking for things ( to chew ). Continue reading
Bathtime! Continue reading
Now were moving! Continue reading
The Worrybomb has learnt to crawl, showing off lots at a family BBQ Continue reading
My first ever Fathers Day card from Worrybomb Continue reading
Worrybomb and the family have moved house, so we have had lots to unpack and do recently… Continue reading