On day 1750, Worrybomb went to her first day at school. She was excited about putting her new uniform and shiny shoes on. Big sister helped with her now very long hair. Worrybomb had her new school bag on with … Continue reading

On day 1750, Worrybomb went to her first day at school. She was excited about putting her new uniform and shiny shoes on. Big sister helped with her now very long hair. Worrybomb had her new school bag on with … Continue reading
Helping out in the garden.
Its been pretty warm recently so we decided to ride down to one of the rivers and have a paddle, play pooh sticks and see what we could see. First off Worrybomb waded in to play with the big kids … Continue reading
Featuring in the next post of the Vogue style blog, Worrybomb sports swimming and art supplies ( goggles models brothers own ). Not sure how she is writing with all three pencils, but I am sure she is making a … Continue reading
Some of the photos from the past few years that were on the old site.
Things have been a little busy recently and I wanted to change the site and how it works, issues and concerns over privacy and costs pursuaded me to re-start the site in a different format. It took a while, but … Continue reading
Its Worrybomb is Mary in her nativity play Continue reading
Worrybomb is all over the web and newspapers. Continue reading
Worrybomb gets a little confused trying to find Father Christmas Continue reading
Worrybomb Auntie causes an interesting situation Continue reading
Worrybomb Auntie comes all the way from Australia to see us! Continue reading
Worrybomb rides on Thomas the Tank Engine. Continue reading